Studio with Elaine
Studio time
I’ve been really busy with Gymnastics shooting for the last few months , along with various wildlife trips, i needed to get back into the studio to get the mojo back. I was looking in a few books from great photographers and came across “Shadows on the wall” by Peter Lindbergh . I really like the natural style, and grainy feel to the prints. He gets his subject to be as natural as possible, and seems to be against posing for posing sakes. So Elaine was free for a couple of hours and we had a go, as usual Elaine was amazing.
I lit the scene with a Godox Ad200 firing through a light-blaster projecting a blurred image (via a 85mm lens) on the background (for seperation) and had a Godox 600 in a large octa to Elaine’s left , really close and low powered to give a soft wrapping light, a reflector to right to bounce a little light back into the shadows. Shot on the Fuji XT3 with 56mm and 50-140mm lens - ISO 200 , F2.8 and 1/250.