Bee Eaters in Spain

Wildlife 2019

So, I’ve been to Spain on numerous occasions - and have seen the beautifully coloured Bee eaters sitting on the telephone/ power cables but have never had the kit or time to go photo them. I discovered that they tend to nest and are more active April to June time so planned a wee trip out to find them.

On arriving at La Paz ( we saw a few flying around, and our friend there said they were further up the road, in the olive groves. So next day I took a trek up the hill to locate them, immediately saw some on the wires, it was then a case of stalking them to see where they preferred to sit, and get close enough to reach them with the 600mm (300mm & 2 x tele) . Tried a few times during the day but found mid morning was the best time, it was too hot afternoon and early evening. I did trek around to see if i could see where they were nesting (holes in mud banks) but couldn’t find any where close by. So settled for sitting on wire shots for now.. - next time i’m hoping for flight shots and on branches near nesting / colony sites.

Canon stuff: 1DX 300mm x 2 extender, 1/1000 - 1/200th sec, F8 iso 400- iso 800


Wildlife Summer 2019 - Scotland


Studio with Elaine